Declaring War on Humanistic Culture
Advancing the Kingdom is a Christian worldview Bible study workbook. It was written and laid out so as to make it easily understandable to the average Christian layman. It addresses many ideas of a philosophical and theological nature, but it expresses these ideas in a manner that is enjoyable to read. The book is illustrated throughout with pictures, charts, graphs and the like. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions and scripture references to study and short answers to each of the questions. It is perfect for small group Bible studies, and personal study, or for use as a supplement to curriculum for high school or college students.
Advancing the Kingdom seeks to show how ideas and philosophies effect cultures. When societies are built on Godly Biblical principles, we have free and moral communities. When we allow godless humanistic principles to invade any part of our culture, the end result is oppressive immoral society. In the past century many of the ideas that were heralded as the beginning of a new society have done nothing more than lead us down a road of disintegrating morals, loss of freedom and tolorence of behavior that was previously unthinkable. As we look at the crumbling structure of American culture, it is easy to lose hope and give up the next generation for lost. But, Donald Schanzenbach offers a refreshing look into Scripture that shows that there is hope. There is hope because Christ has given us a mandate to be Kingdom builders on earth. We are to be unashamedly building a culture that is expressly Christian. The problem today is that Christians have been so consumed by the philosophies of the world that they can no longer even identify anti-biblical ideas, let alone come up with a way to fight against them. This book will bring the reader to an understanding of some of the key ideas that have ignited the vast cultural shifts of the past century. It will walk the reader through 16 areas of study and social concern such as History, Economics, Psychology, Civil Law, the Arts, and many more. Upon reading each of these chapters the reader will be able to see the origins of each area of study as well as the foundations for a Biblical view of the topic.
If we as Christians are ever to regain our influence in the cultural arena, we must be willing to do things differently than the world and proclaim that God's way is the best.