This film is a scriptural interpretation of what the Bible has to say about a literal hell. The film seeks to portray in graphic terms all of the horror of hell and how to escape its flames. Of central importance in the film is the incident involving the rich man and Lazarus. Millions of people have been saved in Spanish and English speaking countries through this film. The film is sixty minutes and in color.
“In this gruesome spiritual drama, Tim Ormond appears as a cyclist whose biker buddy denounces Jesus—and is promptly decapitated in a wreck. Tim makes his way to the Rev. Pirkle’s church, where he tearfully asks the minister if his friend is going to hell. Always the voice of Christian charity, Pirkle consoles him by answering that, yes, his friend is probably roasting in fiery torment that very minute. An Ormond colleague estimates that ‘a million-plus souls’ came running to devote their lives to Jesus after viewing the Ormonds’ films.”