Teach your kids to choose their friends wisely and that God's path is the true path to wisdom!

Oliver loves pretending to be a pirate, but learns that blindly following others doesn’t leave him with a good feeling inside.

In this swashbuckling tale, Phineas the firefly teaches Oliver that true friends don’t tempt us to do wrong or dangerous things. The young pirate is taken on a Scripture adventure through Psalm 1:1-3 and learns that making wise choices leads to the best kind of treasure.

Through it all, Captain Oliver learns that following God’s path is the true path to wisdom!

Parents can teach kids about choosing friends wisely thanks to the helpful questions and an activity featured at the back of the book.

About the Authors

Tara McClary Reeves will tell you the two greatest decisions in her life were declaring “I do” to Jesus Christ and, 23 years later, announcing “I do” to Lee Reeves at her South Carolina wedding. Tara is the author of Don’t Tell That to Beasley (WaterBrook Press 2005) and one of her joys and privileges as a parent is daily pointing her children to Jesus. She is thrilled Amanda Jenkins agreed to join her on The Knight and the Firefly and is prayerful their collaboration will equip parents and children to focus and depend upon the Lord. Tara and her husband, Lee, live in Davidson, North Carolina with their 12-year-old twins, Caroline and Daniel, and 9-month-old “bonus baby,” Harrison.