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This compact, pocket-sized, 54-page booklet is a dynamic summary of the foundational teachings of Scripture. The Apostles Creed makes an ideal personal statement of our Biblical convictions to enable us to stand fast in the truth and be more effective in God’s service.



Which is the true day of worship for Christians - Saturday or Sunday? Listen to: the clear teachings of Scripture, the Apostles and the Early Church Fathers.


In Christ the first day Sabbath is restored to its position at Creation and man can once again rest in God’s finished work of Recreation and Redemption before he embarks on a week of obedience and service to the Lord.

Day Six

All of the days of God’s Creation week are a model for man’s worship, service, dominion and rest. The order of events on Day 6 were the Creation of land creatures (Genesis 1:24-25), the Creation of Adam (Gen 2:7), the Creation of the garden (Gen 2:8), instructions to man (Gen 2:15-17), the bringing of the animals before Adam to be named, and also to create in him a desire for his own partner (Gen 2:18-20), the Creation of Eve (Gen 2:21-25), further instructions (Gen 1:28-30), and the ending of the day with God’s declaration that everything was “Very good” (Gen 1:31). Comparing Gen 1:29-31 with the time span of Gen 2:7-21 shows that Eve was created towards the end of Day 6, in time to hear God’s blessings and commandments in Gen 1:28-31 and before the ushering in of the Sabbath.

Man’s First Day Was the Sabbath

So mankind’s first full day was God’s Sabbath Day. Day 7 of God’s week was mankind’s first day, “evening and morning”. God ended His week with rest, but God intended man to begin his week with worship and rest. From the very beginning God made clear the distinction between Creator and creature. Man must not attempt to play God by exercising dominion in his own strength and wisdom. God is our Creator and we must begin our week by bowing to Him and submitting to His instructions. It is only as we rest in God’s finished work of Creation that we can be in any position to be effective in God-honouring dominion.



There is much talk about faith, but little understanding of what faith is. Too many people think of faith as: "A blind leap into the dark" – the very opposite of reason and logic.

All too many think of faith as wishful thinking, along of the line of "wishing upon a star.”
It would seem that many people are confusing presumption with Faith.

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss…" James 4:3

Many people proclaim faith today, but all too often it is fake faith. Many times, what is being promoted is faith in faith. However, Biblical Faith is all about the Object of that Faith.

You can have all the faith in the world, misdirected, and it will do you no good. It is not the amount of faith that matters, but in Whom you place your faith.

“Expect Great Things from God!

Attempt Great Things for God!”

Biblical Faith is bold and brave and has its boots on.

Do not settle for less than God's very best.


The Kingdom of God

provides an effective expose and counter to the modern therapeutic self-help message where the emphasis

is on me, with God playing a supporting role in how I can fulfill my dreams and attain my desires.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is all about the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

His Crown, His Coming, His Cross, His Great Commission, His plan and purpose for the nations and what we can do to be faithful subjects, servants and soldiers of His eternal Kingdom

Every Knee Will Bow

The question is not: Will you bow to Christ? But: When will you bow to Christ as your rightful King of kings and Lord of lords? Each one of us may bow to Him now, in the day of grace, while forgiveness is freely offered; or we will be forced to bow on the Day of Judgement. When the day of grace has ended. When the door to Heaven is firmly closed. The fact is that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11).

Subject, Servant and Soldier of the Kingdom

Do you understand what the Bible teaches on the Kingdom of God? Do you acknowledge your responsibility to

be a faithful subject, servant and soldier in the Kingdom of God? What a privilege to be one of the called, chosen and

faithful of the greatest King and Kingdom in all Eternity (Revelation 17:14

The Kingdom of God booklet is 20 pages, including six illustrations. It is the latest in the series of Firm Foundations for our Faith booklets.