Is the most complete and comprehensive health book that you will ever read. This book will guide you to dis-ease free living.
The main purpose of Go Natural Wisdom for Healthy Living is to empower modern people to live healthily and DIS-EASE free despite a changed environment that is filled with refined, adulterated, preserved and chemically laden foods. It will help the reader to navigate the deceptions and many other modern health evils and land-mines that exist today. Exposure to these modern variables and deceptions is precisely the reason for the manifestation of so many modern dis-ease conditions. My journey to recovery taught me that SICKNESS is no ACCIDENT there is a CAUSE and EFFECT principle at work.
Let me explain: This is my tenth year of recovery from a dreaded disease, Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. And boy, was I dis-eased! I was at a dead end in terms of my health. I very nearly was confined to a wheel chair. I was declared medically unfit to work and was left expecting the worst. Modern medicine could offer me no help or hope.
I however refused to accept that my body would make such a mistake. I set about searching for the root cause of the problem. At the eleventh hour by grace I discovered an array of root causes and deceptions. Once these modern harmful variables were removed, I began the journey to recovery. On my journey I opened can after can of the proverbial worms only these werent worms, but rather deceptions. It made me realise that there are many systems that fail the general public. One can simply not trust everything that one is presented with without thorough research. The information and wisdom gained through my journey not only saved my life, but it changed my life and purpose forever.
I now feel compelled to share this lifesaving information with as many people as possible so Ive compiled the Go Natural message for you.
Everything you need to know about holistic common-sense healthy living is contained in this book. It also includes 72 delicious recipes to start you on the road to HEALTHY LIVING.
This Go Natural message changed my life forever for the good, now is it your turn to take your second chance.