New Testament Survey
Sola Scriptura!
Scripture alone is our ultimate authority. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Scripture is the truth that sets us free. God’s Word is sharper than any double edged sword. It is the Sword of the Spirit. God’s Word is our milk and meat. It is our daily bread. It is spiritual seed. It never returns void. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It is the solid rock foundation which can enable us to endure the storms and floods of life. “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth.” John 17:17
The Bible is the greatest Book ever written. It is the most valuable Book in the world. The Bible is the most inspiring Book in all of history and it is the most important Book ever written. There is no question that the Bible is the most life changing Book ever written. “…But the Word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8
The Bible has inspired the greatest literature, the greatest art and music and the greatest achievements of architecture “…my heart stands in awe of Your Word.” Psalm 119:161
The Bible is the chief moral cause and inspiration of everything that is good in this world and the best corrective of all that is evil in society. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…” Colossians 3:16
The Bible is the only infallible Guide for everyday life. It is the source of all wise laws and it is a living power that conquers all who oppose it. We need to go back to the Bible. “These were more fair-minded… in that they received the Word with all readiness and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11
“Holding fast the faithful Word… be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.” Titus 1:9
“The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding...” Psalm 119:130
Is your conscience captive to the Word of God?
Are you building your life on the solid rock foundation of the Word of God?
Also Available as Print-on-Demand at
31 MP3 audio Sermons
(25 hours 38 min) and a PDF book
of the New Testament Survey
SOLA SCRIPTURA! was the battle cry of the Reformation. Scripture alone is our ultimate authority. However, while Christians claim to believe the Bible few have read the whole Bible. Surprisingly few pastors can articulate the central message and clear distinctives of each Book of the Bible.
288 pages with 32 pictures
42 MP3 Audio Sermons (29 Hours) and
a PDF book of the Old Testament Survey
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