Vital Questions examines issues which have enormous influence in shaping the attitudes of our society and the way we think and look at life. Most of us have assumed for years that there must be overwhelming proof for such well established ideas as the Big bang, Relativity, and Evolution. On closer investigation one finds that the evidence is astonishingly flimsy. A number of theories taken as indisputable, from primary school to university, are examined and found to be in serious doubt.

Philip Stott, who was born in England in 1943, has maintained a lifelong interest in several branches of science. He has B.Sc. (honours) and M.Sc. degrees, has been a lecturer at universities in Nigeria and South Africa, practiced as a Civil Engineer and done research in Applied Mathematics. After many years as a firm atheist he was converted to Christianity in 1976. For several years he has travelled widely lecturing, presenting slide shows, and taking part in conferences and debates dealing with scientific and religious matters. He made numerous trips to Russia during the 1990s at the invitation of secular scientists speaking at various universities. In 2010 received his Ph.D. in Scripture and Science from Reformation International Theological Seminary.

More by Philip Stott:

Creation vs Atheism box set

The Audio MP3 includes, not only audios of Dr. Philip Stott’s presentations in Cape Town at the University of Cape Town, at the CLB Education Open Day Creation Seminar and Reformation Society meeting, but also other lectures from previous ministry at Biblical Worldview Summits.



An action-filled novel that combines Biblical and scientific themes with heart-racing adventure. Traveling by mag-sled, Japh overnights in a bronto-infested floating forest. A scream in the night, a sudden devastating crash of[either insert the word devastation after of, or delete of for briefer excerpt], and flight becomes the only option, beginning a stunning chain of events which will change not only his life, but the entire course of history. At every turn, evil has flooded the earth. Unbridled deceit, immorality, murder, and mayhem leave the godly remnant in dire straights with constant peril the only certainty. As the earth is shaken, its very survival and the fate of humanity hang in the balance.