God’s Word through African Eyes.
The Africa Study Bible brings together 350 contributors from over 50 countries, providing a unique African perspective. It’s an all-in-one course in biblical content, theology, history, and culture, with special attention to the African context. Each feature was planned by African leaders to help readers grow strong in Jesus Christ by providing understanding and instruction on how to live a good and righteous life:

The Africa Study Bible (ASB) has undergone one of the most thorough and rigorous quality reviews of any study Bible or Bible reference book in the world. The message, theology, and format have been checked and double checked to assure that the ASB speaks with a unified voice; adheres to the highest editorial standard; and is clear, readable, and biblically accurate.

The editorial leaders, following the mandate of the Founding Committee of the Africa Study Bible, were deeply aware that there is a blessed and full diversity within the body of Christ. In fact, the editorial team itself was carefully chosen to accurately reflect the diversity of the church in Africa. Great effort was made to assure that cor­rect and accepted Christian beliefs are reflected and encouraged, while allowing for differences in opinion on non­essential issues. 

It is best to let the editorial process speak for itself:

First, denominational or ministry leaders who are scholars, pastors, or elders recom­mended potential writers. Writers were giv­en assignments based on specifications es­tablished by the Founding Committee of the Africa Study Bible, including language, gen­der, and geographic diversity. Writing coor­dinators worked to match each contributor's expertise with a topic or passage to encourage quality submissions. 

The contributors represented people whose heart languages range from Yoruba in western Africa to Swahili in the east, and from Zulu in the south to Amharic in the north. Besides En­glish, many wrote in French and some in Por­tuguese, Arabic, or Swahili. A team translated their contributions into the English that you will read here. 

We are thrilled that the ASB met these goals for country, language, and gender diversity: 

* Writers from fifty countries. 

* One hundred ninety­-four writers from Anglophone countries. 

* One hundred writers from Francophone countries. 

* Eleven from Portuguese­-speaking countries. 

* Eleven from Arabic­speaking countries. 

* Sixty-­nine female writers. 

Second, supervising editor Dr. John Jusu re­viewed, commented on, and approved every submission--often sending material back to a writer for revision when needed.

Third, a team of editors worked to standardize submissions so the Africa Study Bible speaks with a unified voice.

Fourth, edited articles and notes by book batches were sent to a group of ten African theo­logical scholars to review and make suggestions for improvement.

After which, an experienced Bible editorial team revised the material according to the Afri­can scholars' suggestions and edited the articles and notes for clarity.

Next, two senior Ph.D.­ level theological editors reviewed the revised articles and notes book by book.

Finally, the articles and notes were copyedited and checked for reading level and accessibility by the target audience.

Once typeset into the current format, the entire biblical text, articles, notes, and supplemental study materials were proofread to assure accu­racy and editorial excellence.

Fourteen to twenty individuals reviewed,  edited, and proofread each note and article. This rigorous and exhaustive process assures us that the Africa Study Bible speaks with the highest quality as a trusted resource for the Church.

From the Back Cover

The Africa Study Bible is the most ethnically diverse single-volume biblical resource to date. Written by 350 contributors from 50 countries, it includes the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, and more than 2,600 features that illuminate the truth of Scripture with unique, African perspectives.

Book Introductions explain each book's content and connect biblical themes to African contexts.
Application Notes inspire readers to apply biblical truth to everyday life.
Touch Points reveal uniquely African perspectives.
Proverbs and Stories relate Scripture with wisdom from Africa.
Learn Notes teach Christian values and doctrine.
Articles give practical advice on how to live faithfully in 50 essential areas.
A narrative timeline highlights God's work in Africa.

Additional features include: