The Bible and the Christian Faith have been under attack in one way or another throughout much of the history of the church, but only in recent times have these attacks been perceived within the church as a healthy alternative to orthodoxy. This book is a trumpet blast heralding a full-orbed, Biblical, orthodox Christianity. The hope of the modern world is not a passive compromise with passing heterodox fads, but aggressive devotion to the time-honored Faith "once delivered to the saints."
Table of Contents:
1.Editor’s Introduction by Andrew Sandlin
2.The Word of the Sovereign is the True Battle for the Bible by Andre Sandlin
3.The Modern Assault Upon Classical Christianity by Monte E. Wilson III
4.Protestantism vs. Primitivism by Andrew Sandlin
5.Make Room for Daddies by Steve M. Schlissel
6.Tolerance and Liberty of Conscience by Brian M. Abshire
7.Evangelical Reductionism by Colonel Donor
8.The Fires of Man and the Fires of Hell: How Should the Church Deal with Heresy? By Brian M. Abshire
9.Appendix: Sola Scriptura and Christian Orthodoxy by Andrew Sandlin