This is a book with a well balanced message. It presents the psalms of warfare without negating the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you've been looking for a teaching that gives you an edge above the enemy, then this is that.
This book will help to explain the warfare psalms by teaching you their purpose and how to proclaim God's truth from them. It is a needed and important message for such a time as this.
I can not praise this book enough. Very well written and it makes a compelling case for the proper used of the imprecatory Psalms in one's prayer life. Mary Queen of Scots said she feared the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of Europe. Read this and you will understand why.
Excellent book. This is a treasure, I will never look at the Psalms the same way again. Praying the psalms is a lost are the church quickly needs to recover.
I've never thought of the Psalms as the prayers of Christ. This is a huge shift in theological thinking! Amazing!