The Enhanced eBook – Professional DVD-ROM Edition is a high-powered research and mobilization platform that takes Operation World beyond your bookshelf and empowers you to bring the data to life as you minister with others.

What all comes in the DVD?

The Operation World DVD contains:

The Operation World DVD gives you more than 10,000 files of Operation World information. See the detailed content list. View sample content from the Operation World DVD here.

Navigate Access Learn Engage Research Connect Build

What’s the difference between the CD-ROM and the DVD-ROM?

See a comparison chart that better illustrates the differences between the Operation World CD-ROM and the Operation World DVD-ROM.

What are some of the uses for the Operation World DVD-ROM?

It is an excellent resource for . . .

Can I copy the Operation World DVD-ROM to my hard disk?

 Yes, you can run Operation World directly from your hard disk without needing to access a DVD drive each time you use Operation World.  To install Operation World on your computer’s hard disk or other permanent storage:

Can I use the Operation World DVD-ROM on multiple computers?

Multi-user licenses are available for the new Operation World products. If you are interested in obtaining a multi-user license, read more information here. Read the multi-user license here.

Can I use the information found on the DVD-ROM in my own presentations?

In certain cases, yes. Read more about the permissions granted to you in the End User License Agreement for the Operation World DVD-ROM.

Supported Systems

The Operation World DVD works on the following systems:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Macintosh OS 10.4-10.6

It has been tested on and works best with Adobe Reader 8 or 9, Microsoft Office 2003-2010, and a current version of any of the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari

Adobe Creative Suite 4 or 5 (optional, for EPS graphics) with all current software updates applied.

At least partial functionality is expected but may not be supported on systems with other or later operating systems, PDF readers, ePUB readers, browsers, office suites, and graphics programs.

Can I use Operation World on portable devices?

Yes. The content on the Operation World DVD has been designed to work with a wide range of PDF or ePUB-enabled personal electronic devices.

Content Formats on the DVD

The DVD-ROM includes content in:

  • PDF
  • HTML
  • ePUB
  • MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) video
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 
  • Excel
  • PNG images
  • EPS graphics

Content has been designed to work with a wide range of PDF and ePUB-enabled personal electronic devices.