The Enhanced eBook – Personal CD-ROM Edition is a research and mobilization tool that takes Operation World beyond your bookshelf and into action in your personal ministry.

What all comes in the CD-ROM?

The Operation World CD-ROM contains:

Navigate Learn Connect Build

What’s the difference between the CD-ROM and the DVD?

See a comparison chart that better illustrates the differences between the Operation World CD-ROM and the Operation World DVD.

What are some of the uses for the Opreration World CD-ROM?

It is an excellent resource for . . .

Can I copy the Operation World CD-ROM to my hard disk?

Yes, you can run Operation World directly from your hard disk without needing to access a CD drive each time you use Operation World.  To install Operation World on your computer’s hard disk or other permanent storage:

Can I use the Operation World CD-ROM on multiple computers?

Multi-user licenses are available for the new Operation World products. If you are interested in obtaining a multi-user license, read more information here. Read the multi-user license here.

Can I use the information found on the CD-ROM in my own presentations?

In certain cases, yes. Read more about the permissions granted to you in the End User License Agreement for the Operation World CD-ROM.

System Requirements

In order to use the Operation World Personal Edition CD-ROM, you will need one of the following:

  • Windows 7, Vista or XP
  • Macintosh OS X
  • PDF-enabled personal electronic devices with Adobe Reader 8 or above

Note: PDF file requires 150 MB of storage