F. F. Bosworth’s earnest prayer was that many thousands would learn to apply the promises of God’s Word to their lives through his book, Christ the Healer. Bosworth offers an astonishing discussion of healing, based on the premise that Jesus redeemed us from our diseases when he atoned for our sins. This classic on healing, first released in 1924, has sold more than 500,000 copies and continues to enrich and inspire new readers every day.
This revised and expanded edition includes a brand-new foreword and epilogue on the remarkable life and healing of the author himself, written by his son.

Is Healing for Everyone? God is not just "able" to heal, He is willing! The Lord is gracious and compassionate, and He longs to give you all the blessings of redemption, including physical healing. He is Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals you (Exodus 15:26). Why is this blessing of divine healing the source of much confusion in the church? What does the Bible really say about healing? Explore this controversial topic with author F. F. Bosworth as he carefully searches the Scriptures for answers to perplexing questions such as . . .* Is healing really possible today?* Is healing for everyone?* What was Paul’s "thorn in the flesh"?* How is a person supposed to receive healing?* Can I receive healing? "Faith begins where the will of God is known," says the author. By understanding God’s will for your healing, you can live in the fullness of your salvation in Christ--spirit and body.

About the Author

During the first half of the twentieth century, F. F. Bosworth conducted evangelistic and healing campaigns across the US and launched the "National Radio Revival" ministry. At age 75, he went to Africa to preach and teach. He died in 1958. His son, Robert V. Bosworth, editor of this edition, continues the ministry through World Outreach, Inc., African Evangelical Mission, and Morning Watch.