Central to the emerging church is the idea that one can get closer to God through contemplative mystical practices that are rooted in an experience-based eastern (remove mystical – redundant) religious spirituality. These practices have been introduced to both mainstream and evangelical Christianity through Roman Catholic monks and priests who promote what they call spiritual disciplines (which were originally practiced by mystics and the Desert Monks of the third century).
In The Emerging Church— Road to Babylon, Roger Oakland addresses this fast growing emerging church movement, showing how it is seducing this generation and leading it toward a false one world religious system and a utopian kingdom of God that emerging proponents say will be established here on earth by human effort.
Some topics this DVD addresses:
Last Days Spiritual Deception
New Age Spirituality and One World Religion
Experience Based Christianity and the Serpent Power
The Emerging “New Light” movement
Emerging Church Roots and Promotion
Contemplative Mysticism and One World Religion
Christian Babylonianism
Biblical Warning With Regard to Last Days Deception
70 Minutes
Author Bio: Roger Oakland is an author-lecturer and founder of Understand The Times International. His easy to understand teaching style communicates to people of all ages and backgrounds. Over the past twenty years he has lectured at numerous churches, conferences, universities and educational facilities in over 50 countries.Roger Oakland has authored and co-authored numerous books and produced audiotapes, videos and other publications that have been translated into several different languages worldwide. For more information regarding Roger’s availability or the ministry of Understand The Times International, call 714-957-3898 or write to P.O. Box 27239, Santa Ana, CA, 92799.