"A six lesson study packed with thought-provoking truth."

Twisting the Truth by Andy Stanley is a must for those looking to expose deception in our present day culture. We are so molded by what is now so acceptable, so tolerated, and sadly even promoted. We do not realize the devastation of buying into the lies of the enemy.

I purchased the participant guide to use with the Group Curriculum DVD in my next Bible Study. As with all of Andy Stanley's teachings, I was not disappointed.

This study focused on topics not often discussed in depth such as the truth about authority, the correct view of sex, and all woven back to the central theme of deception.

Thought provoking character skits introduce each weeks session prompting the viewer to focus on the various levels of deception and the often overlooked result. These skits reminded me of C. S. Lewis' `Screwtape Letters' because of the view inside the enemy's camp.

The discussion questions are on point and very useful in igniting discussion and conversation. This is my favorite portion of the guide. We cannot deal with a thing until it is first recognized in light of what God tells us then discussed openly to put to rest all the questions a small group has.

I recommend this highly as well as the DVD Group Curriculum.

Reviewed by: Keiki Hendrix
Reviewed for: The Vessel Project