Many Eastern religions place great stress on the notion of "tat tvam asi": thou art that. The implication of that phrase is that everything that an individual sees or experiences is you and is one. And yoga is one vital tool that Hinduism offers for a person to discover his oneness with the universe. Thus, this indirectly denies the laws of logic (A is A and not Non-A), yet a person must employ logic in that denial; thus this doctrine is self-refuting and a person who aims for this oneness in yoga is behaving irrationally.

Yoga instructors promise joy, peace, wellness, and enlightenment to those who undertake its practice. However it is really grounded on the veneration of false gods and dark spirits that can lead the practitioner to distress and ruin. And Caryl Matrisciana in "Yoga Uncoiled" offer a Christian critique of yoga and Eastern religious practices as the true origins and goals of yoga are exposed.

Yoga is define in the Dictionary: Sanskrit, literally, yoking, from yunakti he yokes; akin to Latin jungere to join - more at YOKE

1) a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation

2) a system of exercises for attaining bodily or mental control and well-being. yo*gic /-gik/ adjective, often capitalized.

Wikipedia defines yoga:
The word "yoga" derives from the Sanskrit root yuj ("to yoke"); which is cognate to modern English "yoke", "jugal" and "jugum" in Latin. All derive from the Proto-Indo-European root *yeug - meaning "to join" or "unite". It is generally translated as "union of the individual atma, loosely translated to mean soul, with Paramatma, the universal soul." [11]

Hinduism is one of the most ancient religions of man. Its sacred writings are called the Vedas. The doctrine of soul-transmigration is an important teaching in the Vedas: upon death, living things are reborn into different organisms. After one dies, one's new earth-suit is a result of how good or evil you were in your past lives. Your past deeds dispense you on the correct spot on the karmic cycle through the law of karma. You could in your next life end up a snail, a germ, weed or a man. Hinduism asserts that the One is the true, ultimate, and final reality. The particulars in our experience are illusionary (maya) and false. For a person to reach this he needs yoga and meditation. The oneness of the real is all there really is. Yet, without a ground that places equal ultimacy on both the one and many, the true God revealed in the Bible, one lacks an intelligible worldview and is on his way to spiritual devastation. The biblical God accounts for human experience, not Hindu dogma. Jesus saves, not yoga.

So Hindu thought stresses the oneness (unity) over the many (diversity). The notion that all is one is called monism and attempts to remove the Creator and creation distinction. This is linked to pantheism: the idea that all is God. If this notion is played out it requires everything to be an illusion and to be enlightened one is fused into the oneness as you realize that everything else is a mirage. This is self-nullifying inasmuch as the dogma that everything is an illusion, would thus be an illusion, hence it is fallacious.

This DVD will educate Christians concerning the history and beliefs of yoga and you discover that it is irreconcilable to Christianity and the Gospel of God through Jesus Christ.

Mike Robinson Author of:
"One Way to God"