"Tornado is a true life story of patience, endurance and passion. Directed by Regardt van den Bergh, the picture tells the story of two damaged souls: Pierre, a depressed and damaged young man and Tor nado, an emotionally tormented horse.
Sensing Tornado's potential, Pierre travels to Noenieput, in the Groen Kalahari, to10-year-old Cadi Forbes is wrecked with guilt over the death of her sister. She feels responsible for the loss and sets out to find the only man, known as The Sin Eater, who can take away her guilt. But while seeking redemption, Cadi learns the devastating secret that has potential to tear apart her family and community. find Barrie Burger, a horse whisperer. With Barrie's advice, Pierre and Torna do embark on a journey of healing and self discovery, one that will change their lives forever."
Running Time: 110 minutes