entury-Old Principles for a New Century Since 1864 the National Reform Association has advocated an explicitly Christian approach to politics. In this book the grand vision of politics of the National Reform Association is explained for a new generation of Christian activists. It is a grand vision because it is based on the truth of the mediatorial reign of Jesus Christ over the nations of the earth, and it seeks to implement the will of Christ for civil government as revealed in Scripture.

Christians who are tired of the compromise of evangelicals in the political sphere will find this book to be a wonderful breath of fresh air. Here is a vision for politics that the faithful servant of our Lord Jesus Christ can get excited about. The days of retreat for Christians in the political sphere are about to end, and Explicitly Christian Politics points the way!

The subjects addressed in the book are:

A Background of the National Reform Association, The Failure of Retreatist Strategies, The Crown Rights of Jesus Christ, The Judgment Is God's, Christ's Kingship in Contemporary Politics, National Confession Primer, The Orthodox Foundations of Liberty, The Great Law-Book of the Nation, The Free Market, Educational Reform in America, Sentimentalism in Politics, Making this Political Mess Right.

In His providence, the Lord has preserved the National Reform Association for the last 133 years so that it may unfurl once again in these dark days the banner of Christ the King, and under that banner point the way to the blessings of liberty, peace, and prosperity that are found in national submission to Jesus Christ.