1. John Wycliffe - The Morning Star of the Reformation

2. Hus - Truth Conquers

3. Ulrich Zwingli - The Reformer of Switzerland

4. William Farel - Fiery Debater and Evangelist

5. A Heart Aflame & A Mind Renewed - John Calvin

6. Heinrich Bullinger - Consolidating the Reformation

7. John Knox & The Reformation in Scotland

8. Albert Durer - Evangelist and Reformer in Art

9. Anne Askew - A Daughter of the Reformation

10. The Greatest Century of Repression, Revolt & Reformation

11. Reformation or Islamisation

12. Whatever Happened to the Prayer Meeting?

13. Florence Nightingale

14. How the Reformation Changed the Church

15. Martin Luther - Captive to the Word of God

16. Prayer and the Sovereignity of God

17. The Biblical Foundations of Calvinism

18. William Wilberforce - And the Campaign to Abolish Slavery

19. The Biblical Vision of Victory

20. The Waldensians - Firm and Faithful Alpine Fighters for  the Faith

21. King Alfred the Great - And the Venerable Bede

22. George Whitefield - Calvinist, Evangelist and Revivalist

23. Johannes Gutenberg - Inventor of the Printing Press

24. Girolamo Savonarola - Reformer and Martyr

25. The Reformation Roots of Western Civilisation