An empty testament!

This argues the author is all that would remain of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible when pro-homosexual liberal theologians, revisionists and activists are finished with it. An empty testament, "detoxified" from condemnation of the unrepentant sinner and sin. Indeed, an "empty testament".

One could hardly imagine a more contextual issue currently under debate than the much discussed topic of homosexuality. It has become the number one issue under consideration within all Church denominations in the entire world. The alarming thing about the current debate is that there is a marked paradigm shift away from the account of Scripture to an inductive and narrative approach, taking up the case and cause for the Gay society. This is a dangerous route for any church to embark on. After all, the Church should stand or fall by the standards set forth in the Bible as the Word of God, not the standards of the world.

Chapter one highlights the contemporary situation with reference to the same-sex controversy. The role-players in the debate as well as the agenda informing their efforts are noted. Same-sex marriage will impact four very specific theologies and in chapter two the changes brought about and envisaged for the theology of sexuality is discussed. The concerted effort to change the church's attitude towards homosex; is in actual fact an effort to change the traditional definition of sexual sin. In chapter three the impact of same-sex marriage on the theology of sin will be considered at length. An in-depth look at same-sex marriage and the implications thereof for heterosexual marriage follows in chapter four whilst the logical effects on the traditional family will be discussed in chapter five. Chapters six through nine explores in detail the biblical view on homosexuality.

The book had been written with the following objectives in mind: First, to communicate anew to the church the biblical witness regarding homosex. Secondly, to resist the spirit of revisionism in the church that reinterprets the biblical truths to suit 21st century liberal theology. Thirdly, to reiterate the biblical sexual standard proclaimed by the Bible. In the fourth place to defend the biblical views of sin, marriage, sexuality, and the family and lastly to support and strengthen those who believe and feel the same.