The purpose of a study of history is to shape the future. Too much of history teaching centers upon events, persons, or ideas as facts but does not recognize God's providential hand in judging humanistic man in order to build His Kingdom. History is God-ordained and presents the great battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Man. History is full of purpose-each Kingdom has its own goal for the end of history, and those goals are in constant conflict. Nothing about history is meaningless-history is always faith and philosophy in action. Twelve CD lessons give an overview of history from ancient times to the 20th century as only Rev. Rushdoony could. Text includes fifteen chapters of class notes covering ancient history through the Reformation. Text also includes review questions covering the cds and questions for thought and discussion. Album includes 12 CDs, notes, and answer key.

Recorded Lectures:

    Disc 1  "Time & History: Why History is Important"
Disc 2  "Israel, Egypt & the Ancient Near East"
Disc 3  "Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece & Jesus Christ"
Disc 4  "The Roman Republic"
Disc 5  "The Early Church" & "Byzantium"
Disc 6  "Islam" & "The Frontier Age"
Disc 7   "The New Humanism or Medieval Period"
Disc 8  "The Reformation"
Disc 9  "The Wars of Religion—So Called" & "The Thirty Years War"
Disc 10 "France: Louis XIV through Napoleon"
Disc 11 "England: The Puritans through Queen Victoria"
Disc 12 "The 20th Century: The Intellectual-Scientific Elite"

Book Chapter Titles

    Chapter 1  "God & Israel"
Chapter 2  "Ancient Egypt"
Chapter 3  "Ancient Near East & Mediterranean Powers"
Chapter 4  "Assyria & Babylon"
Chapter 5  "The Persian Empire"
Chapter 6  "Greece"
Chapter 7  "Jesus Christ & the Beginning of Christianity"
Chapter 8  "The Rise & Fall of the Roman Republic"
Chapter 9  "Birth & Death of the Roman Empire"
Chapter 10 "The Early Church Confronts the World"
Chapter 11 "Byzantium, the Eastern Roman Empire"
Chapter 12 "Islam"
Chapter 13 "The Frontier Age"
Chapter 14 "The New Humanism"
Chapter 15 "The Reformation"

Review Questions

Questions for Thought & Discussion