Under fire in South Africa by Schalk Visagie. 318 Pages, 87 Pictures
Colonel Schalk Visagie’s book Under Fire in South Africa provides fascinating and important insights into the life of a policeman who was eyewitness to tumultuous events and dramatic developments, which continued to affect our world today.
Coming from a police family, Schalk’s incredible life story includes the Border War in South West Africa/Angola, guarding President P.W. Botha, working in the Security Branch, including dealing with the traumatic St. James Church Massacre, the bombing of Planet Hollywood, leading the Gang Investigation Unit to counter the hit squads, terror campaigns and bombs of PAGAD and QUIBLA.
The very fact that Schalk Visagie is alive today is a powerful testimony to the grace of Almighty God and His answers to the timely prayers of a devoted mother. As the surgeon and ballistics specialist testifies, no one should have survived the deadly ambush on Black River Parkway on Friday, 19 February 1999.
It has been a special privilege to know Schalk and Rozanne Visagie, for over 3 decades and witness their faith and life in most difficult circumstances. Under Fire in South Africa is a riveting dramatic story written with a policeman’s attention to detail. I look forward to this story being brought to the big screen because it has tremendous relevance and inspiration for our troubled times.
Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship
I have known and had the privilege of journeying with the author since 2005. Every book has a cover and as the proverbial saying goes a book is judged by its cover. Every person has a story to tell and until we read the account of each person’s own life story we will truly understand without judging. Instead we will have greater appreciation for them.
Under Fire in South Africa gives the reader a clearer understanding that all events, including loss, tragedy, love and triumph is God’s tapestry, purpose, plan and will of one’s life being woven together from the moment of birth until death which is unfortunately often only seen from an earthly perspective, but seen from a Divine perspective, it is His beautiful plan that He has designed to prepare each person, like the author, for His Divine purpose here on earth.
This book is more than the history and transition of South Africa, it is the events, accounts of history and personal journey which have transitioned the author’s life and also will hopefully help you in your own personal journey through life.
Past. Brad Espin COTR Cape Town
I read this book from cover to cover. What an amazing God we have, with amazing plans and grace for each life when we obey. This is a journey through life of a family I have been honoured and blessed to know. Painful memories, but true and relevant facts through a difficult history. It is time to learn, forgive and forget, South Africa. This is one of the most beautiful countries of the 140 countries my God let me serve him in. May He who created this country beautify her with love, unity and brotherhood. There is room for every South African... all races, colours and background to live together in peace and harmony, away from hatred and crime which only leads to destruction. This book by my brother and friend is a must read to rediscover the grace and guidance of a loving and forgiving God. Learn from mistakes made, repent, forgive and forget. Go on South Africa... Live and let live. Bury the past or the past will bury you.
Dr. Bahjat Batarseh Apostolic Arch Bishop D.Min,Th.D, Ph.D, DLett, D.D, D.Ed, D.Coun Ph.D, L.LD,D.Hum,C.R.P.S. Brice, Ohio, USA
I found Under Fire in South Africa to be a very interesting read. I gained much insight into the recorded events and was left with huge respect for the author and the work of the police and the special forces in our country. The book is written and documented in a very easy to read style and thus made even the finest detail come alive to the reader.
It is good to get first hand recorded history before it is forgotten or distorted.
One is left with absolute admiration for the bravery and noble call of Security and Police officers in South Africa.
Erin Georgiou, Editor JOY! and JUIG! Magazines
Security and Survival Handbook by Peter Hammond. 136 Pages, 32 Pictures
It was not raining when Noah built the Ark. “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.” Proverbs 22:3.
Essential Preparation for Security and Survival
“Dr Peter Hammond has ably laid out our duties and responsibilities in light of the Word of God and also in this crisis time of impending peril to the Church. You will benefit greatly from this book. There are many areas of preparation listed in this Security and Survival Handbook. You must read the book. You must learn. You must prepare yourself and your family. You must prepare your Church and your mission. You will never be the same after reading this book. It leaves no room for neutrality.” Introduction - John Weaver
This May Save Lives
“This Handbook comes at a critical time and maybe; just maybe, it will help to save the lives of young men and women who have answered the Call. Am I aware of the world around me? Am I prepped, emotionally, physically, spiritually? If you do something you may live. If you do nothing, you have a very real chance of dying. If you read this Manual, you have done something. If it saves even one life, then it has fulfilled its objective.” Foreword - Rob Brown
From the Frontline
At this time of crime, violence and instability, it makes sense to study this practical and positive handbook on security and survival. As a Mission of Christians from a military background, dedicated to serving persecuted Christians for over 35 years, Frontline Fellowship missionaries have experienced ambushes, aerial bombardments, rocket and artillery fire, thefts, terrorism, capture and imprisonment. Utilising the lessons learned through these decades in conflict areas, comes this unique, practical and compact Security and Survival Handbook.
How Prepared Are You?
If strikes and civil strife cause your water and electricity supplies to be cut off, would you have alternative supplies? If your home, or church is attacked by terrorists, would you know what to do? Does your Church, or mission, have contingency plans? On a daily basis, how secure are your loved ones and your possessions? Does your church, or mission have a Security Committee, or a person designated and responsible, to consider likely scenarios and take the necessary steps to counter those dangers? Do you have a regular sport, or exercise routine to keep you fit, alert and healthy? What can you do to strengthen the security of your home, church or mission? What steps can you take to make your congregation, or mission, a less attractive target for terrorists?
Compact, Concise and Comprehensive
This 136 page Handbook includes: Christian Preparedness in Unstable Times, What Can We Do to Help Christians Survive this Tsunami of Violence?; How to be Effective in Missions without Becoming a Victim; Emergencies and Crisis Situations; Christian Preparedness; Faith and Firearms; Practical Principles for Protection; Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting; Storing to Survive Shortages; Safety and Security for Mission Workers; Surviving Attacks and Abductions; Kidnapping, Arrests and Hostage Situations; Security Assessments; Staff Training and Security Priorities; Worst Case Scenarios; Contingency Plans for Missionaries; Case Studies on the St. James Massacre; Home Invasion and Switzerland’s Strategy for Survival. The book also includes very helpful Appendixes, Self-reliance and Home Preparedness; Three Fundamental Skills of Basic Bushcraft; The Five C’s and Ten C’s of Survivability and Basic Security from a Former Insurance Assessor. “For man also does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, like birds caught in a snare, so the sons of men are snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them.” Ecclesiastes 9:12
This Book Could Save Your Life
This book could save the life of yourself, your loved ones, fellow church members and fellow missionaries.
Security and Survival Handbook is available at R88 a copy from Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, Fax: 086-551-7490, Email: admin@christianlibertybooks.co.za and Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za.