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Home Education

To view the Bob Jones website click here

To view Christian Liberty Press Home-Schooling Resources,
click here to view their website.

To view our in-house Home Education resources, please click here.

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Refund and Return Policy

Refund and Return Policy


The provision of goods and services is subject to availability.

Should any CD, DVD or MP3 be found defective, then the book shop will promptly replace the returned items.

In cases of unavailability, the book shop (Christian Liberty Books) will refund the customer, in full, within 30 days.  Cancellation of orders by the customer will require a 10% Administration Fee.

The book shop reserves the right to cancel an order for which payment has already been received.  This may occur if stock is insufficient or the quality of goods ordered does not meet the book shop’s standards.  Should the book shop exercise this right, the customer will receive a full refund with no deductions.

While the book shop only stock resources from publishers and authors believed reliable, the views and opinions of the authors / DVD presenters / DVD contents expressed therein, do not necessarily state, or reflect, the views of the book shop, or its affiliates.  The book shop can therefore not accept returns from a customer should the customer disagree with any of the content of the resource/s purchased from the book shop.

The book shop takes great care in packaging purchased resources for postage and courier.  Customers who request goods to be posted or couriered do so at their own risk.  The book shop cannot refund a customer for damaged goods, if the packaging has been tampered with.

Any complaints regarding the standard and quality of the resources bought by customers through the e-commerce facility, should be directed to the Book Shop Manager: P O Box 358, Howard Place, Pinelands 7450, Cape Town, South Africa; or


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