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Review: The Greatest Century of Missions


The Greatest Century of Missions is an important tool and handbook for modern churches and evangelical missions. I believe it should be part of every Christian school and college’s curriculum. The book brings light to an important part of Church history and reminds us to keep on building, to fight the good fight of faith and to persevere against every obstacle. It is also a reminder that God used ordinary men and women to change the course of history and nations. The Greatest Century of Missions makes us realize that the Church cannot hide from socio and political issues.  Instead it should be the front runner of a nation’s future and decision-making.

The Greatest Century of Missions shows us that The Great Commission is not a thing of the past but is for all times. We can never slack and rest because the work is too vast and too great. God demands it from ordinary people from all walks of life.

Dr Peter Hammond has done excellent work in capturing history and times that the Church can use as building blocks in evangelizing the nations and people.

Felicia Antha

Cape Christian News

Every young person following the call of God, needs to read “the Greatest Century of Missions.”  It will inspire and encourage him, for here he meets ordinary young persons, often raised in poverty who by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ became great missionaries and changed whole nations.  They willingly endured danger, hardship, sickness and death to fulfil the Great Commission.  One of them, David Livingstone, while bravely confronting slave traders in Africa, asserted:  “These privations, I beg you to observe, are not sacrifices…  Can that be called a sacrifice which is simply paid back as a small part of a great debt owing to our God, which we can never repay?  It is emphatically no sacrifice.  Say rather, it is a privilege!”  

Dorothea Scarborough, Gospel Defence League.

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