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Homeschooling Book Promotion 25th Anniversary 2020


Homeschooling Book Promotion 25th Anniversary 2020

As so many children have been forced to be taught at home, many people have begun to consider not sending their children back to school but beginning homeschooling. However many people are unsure how to being or even if they will be able to cope. Here are a selection of books to encourage those considering home schooling, and at the bottom are two links that will be helpfull to those considering home schooling.

Home Schooling – A South African Story, By Magda Faul: R225.00 Paperback, 245 pages

“I first came face to face with the idea of home schooling while on holiday with my husband and our two young daughters some 18 years ago. I met a home schooler for the first time – a young girl in her teens whose parents worked at the resort where we were staying. She made a very good impression: mature, confident and pleasant. I still couldn’t imagine how a parent could take all the responsibility for their children’s education! My first thoughts were: “Never! – this is not for me”. … While watching the younger moms and hearing them share their concerns and fears, I could really identify with them. When we started, there were very few role models. Sometimes I felt as if we were treading in the dark and I often considered giving it all up. Often it was an encouraging book, an article in a newspaper or a testimony told, that encouraged me to still continue.

And that is what I hope this book will do – that it will not only serve as a source of information on the different options and approaches to home schooling, but will also encourage parents to enjoy their children, think out of the box and learn from the testimonies and stories of others that each situation and family is unique and that it is OK to be different.”

The Homeschool Life – Discovering God’s Way to Family-Based Education, by Andrea Schwartz: R185.00 Paperback, 156 pages

Homeschooling expert, Andrea Schwartz, (Lessons Learned from Years of Homeschooling), in this her second book opens the door to The Homeschool Life, allowing parents to see the glorious potential in this life-changing, God-honoring adventure. She offers sage advice concerning key aspects of homeschooling, while never losing her central focus of applying the Word of God to all areas of life and thought. She provides practical insights for parents as they seek to provide a Christian education for their children.

This volume focuses on help for parents who want to instill a thoroughly biblical approach to learning, teach sound biblical character as they cover all academic subjects, and learn how to choose curriculum that will equip them to raise a generation eager and ready to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

Andrea’s practical, clear approach to homeschooling comes from twenty- six years in the trenches where she has learned that homeschooling parents are doing some of the most important work there is to do in the Kingdom of God and need all the help and encouragement they can get.

Lessons Learned from Years of Homeschooling, by Andrea Schwartz: R195.00 Paperback, 116 pages
Don't learn it all the hard way. Discover the powerful principles for effective homeschooling from someone who knows.

After nearly a quarter century of homeschooling her children, Andrea Schwartz has experienced both the accomplishments and challenges that come with being a homeschooling mom. And, she's passionate about helping you learn her most valuable lessons. Discover the potential rewards of making the world your classroom and God's Word the foundation of everything you teach. Now you can benefit directly from Andrea's years of experience and obtain helpful insights to make your homeschooling adventure God-honoring, effective, and fun.

Teach Me While My Heart Is Tender – Read Aloud Stories of Repentance and Forgiveness, by Andrea Schwartz: R75.00 Paperback, 116 pages
Many people consider young children unable to handle difficult Biblical doctrines. Our Savior had so much confidence that children were able to receive his teachings that He presented children as examples that adults should follow as they entered the Kingdom. Not only are tenderhearted children ready to receive the Word, they have a receptivity to it that should not be ignored by their parents and teachers.

Andrea Schwartz has compiled three stories drawn from her family-life experiences to help parents teach children how the faith applies to every area of life. They confront the ugly reality of sin, the beauty of godly repentance, and the necessity of forgiveness. The stories are meant to be read by parents and children together. The interactions and discussions that will follow serve to draw families closer together

Revolution via Education and other Essays, by Samuel Blumenfeld: R150.00 Paperback, 190 pages

From the Preface: "In these essays I have tried to show how our country has been in the throes of an ongoing socialist revolution since the turn of the last century. And it has been engineered by real people with real names who consider themselves to be Americans but who have been doing all in their power to change the form of government given us by our Founding Fathers. The two major underpinnings of socialist, ungodly, controlled society are public education and the income tax. We shall not be a free people until we get rid of both institutions."

In this book, Samuel Blumenfeld gets to the root of our crisis: our spiritual state and the need for an explicitly Christian form of education.

Fantastic But True, by “Doc” Watson: R48.00 Paperback, 286 pages
Sharing the Good News with Children. This manual uses 114 illustrations, stories and object lessons. Each story includes an appropriate Bible Reading. Ideal for school assemblies and all youth workers.

Reforming our Families, by Peter and Lenora Hammond: R58.00 LESS 25% R43.00 Paperback, 128 pages

The family is the basic building block of society. The battle for the family is in the very frontline of the World War of Worldviews.

This powerful resource for families is packed with positive and practical insights and strategies that fathers and mothers can use to raise God-fearing children.

"In our world and culture today, our children are at risk. Peter and Lenora Hammond provide a much-needed message in this book concerning the temptations and issues that face our children and families and how to successfully combat them.

Reforming our Families is a book that is hard-hitting and accurate. Every parent should read this book and meditate on the hundreds of Scripture verses referenced in order to be equipped to successfully wage spiritual battle on behalf of their family.

The stakes are too high to sit back and just and just watch our kids grow up and mix in with the world. This is not a sugar-coated psychology. Peter and Lenora present a realistic picture of the culture that is trying to mould and shape the family into its image.

They also provide the solution. This book is filled with practical tips on how any loving parent can do their utmost for their children. This book is an important help for parents everywhere.”

- Christopher Klicka – Senior Counsel – Home School Legal Defence Association

Sketse uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis by Dr. Peter Hammond with Cuan Elgin and Stephen Mitford Goodson: R150 LESS 25% R112.00 Paperback, 216 pages

Sketse uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis presents a fascinating tapestry of unforgettable characters, dramatic events and magnificent milestones in the development of this extraordinary country.

This book, as well as it’s original Sketches from South African History book, provides a captivating kaleidoscope of characters, conviction and courage. Extraordinary exploits and amazing achievements, despite daunting dangers and difficulties.

Sketches from South African History by Dr Peter Hammond: R98 LESS 25% R73.00 Paperback, 208 Pages

For many years I have been asked to produce a History book on South Africa. Those who have heard my presentations at the Reformation Society, or at Reformation events and Biblical Worldview Seminars, have encouraged me to put these presentations into writing and have them published as a book that can inform, inspire and empower both teachers and students.

It was Karl Marx who declared that the first battlefield is the re-writing of history! Marx's comrades have certainly been very busy with distortion, disinformation, indoctrination and propaganda. Most of the news media, entertainment industry and educational institutions are less than useless when it comes to understanding the times and knowing what really happened and why. There is a pervasive hostility to Christianity growing throughout the Western world.

In order to liberate our thinking from current fashions and propaganda, and to recognise potential potholes and traps, we will find immeasurable insights and practical help by studying the people, events and issues that shaped the past and affect our present situations. Forewarned is forearmed.

Home Schooling, by Lenora Hammond: R20.00 Audio CD
A South African Home Schooling mom shares experience

* Prices valid until the end of July 2020 or while stocks last. Post / Courier costs not included.

Helpful Links for those considering Home Schooling

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