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Stretching Minds and Muscles at the Biblical Worldview Summit 2022


Stretching Minds and Muscles at the Biblical Worldview Summit 2022

31 Years of Biblical Worldview Summits
We praise God for a successful Biblical Worldview Summit. This year marks 31 years of conducting these BWS body, mind and spirit programmes, stretching minds and muscles to apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. The BWS included: 6 devotions, 31 lectures, presentations, sermons and Bible studies (by 14 speakers), 6 Bible Drill sessions, 5 Just a Minute debating skills games, 3 films, 18 hours of practicals, sports, problem-solving, obstacle crossing, teambuilding outdoor activities, 2 campfires, 4 outreaches, a Bible Exam and a very enjoyable Variety Concert. “… who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do...” 1 Chronicles 12:32
You can view some pictures of the camp and several of the lecture presentations on our Biblical Worldview Summit Facebook page.

Written Responses to the BWS
These are some of the written responses that we received from participants of the Biblical Worldview Summit 2022:“It’s one amazing camp and I’m going to try and get my friends to join next time. They will learn a lot”; “Informative, uplifting and fun!”; “Great!”; “Well planned to quench the most hungry soul”; “I have realized again that I love Evangelism and working to extend God’s Kingdom. A fire has been kindled in my heart to do more for HIM and HIS Kingdom”; “I’m greatly impressed with the sound doctrines of the lectures”; “Made great friends and learned a lot about science and evangelism”; “I learned a lot about how to recognise deception in the world”; “I realized how I’ve been deceived and how I must read and get to Christians who are experts in their field to guide me. I must read the Bible to get the facts about the fields I was deceived in.”; “It focused my eyes on Jesus and true doctrine through words, singing and action. I rejoiced and drew closer to the Lord through the hymns and worship. It opened my eyes to the spiritual battle”; “Happily surprised by how fun I found it while being challenged”; “Packed with useful lectures and teambuilding activities”; “I enjoyed the fellowship a lot. Making new friends was special. The camp gives good fellowship opportunity.”; “It has been a great camp and working with others in Christ, BWS is a great platform”; “Wonderful youth participation. It gives hope for the future.”
You can view a video on the recent Biblical Worldview Summit, here:

BWS Audio and Video Resources
You can also view videos and PowerPoints of many of the lecture presentations on
You can access audios of many of the lectures on our sermon audio and SoundCloud pages.
The Biblical Worldview Manual, Understanding The Times, The Battle For Truth, Biblical Principles for Africa, Answering Skeptics and BWS DVD Boxsets are available from Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, Email: and Website:
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind …” Romans 12:2

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