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Ukraine how can we tell what is the truth?


The first casualty in war is truth.

Propaganda is a vital part of warfare today.

When we are only receiving one side of the story, then we are being lied to.

There is always two sides to any story.

Truth does not fear investigation.

Just as with the masquerade madness, lockdown lunacy, Covid cult, salvation by vaccination PLANDEMIC,

the mass media is subjecting us to a tsunami barrage of disinformation, distraction and deceit.

By de-platforming alternative viewpoints, they are ensuring that we only received one side of any story/narrative on the war.

We know what it is like to have everything distorted and our position caricatured and stereotyped.

The same lame stream media waged propaganda war against Rhodesia and South Africa.

Why should we believe the liars now?


Here is a letter that I received from friends last week:

An Eastern Ukrainian Perspective

My Dad asked me to send you these comments from our friend Lily. She was born in Russia. She has family in Ukraine.

This is from about a week ago: “I'm going to just attempt to write out a summary, so you can have this perspective as you are watching the news. I think it's really important for you to have this info now rather than later as new things unfold daily.

In 2014 the Ukrainian government was overthrown, largely thanks to the West meddling in their country and rigging the outcome.

The regions of Donetsk and Luhansk did not accept this turn of events and said that they would not submit to the new government leadership and that's when the war started.

Kiev, (with the help the millions of American military supplies) began a war against those two regions. Brutally attacking not just the people in charge, but all the civilians too. My Dad's cousin lives there and he tells of buildings being burned with people inside them, soldiers breaking into people’s houses to steal and plunder (and worse), break their connections to gas, water, electricity, depriving them of food, knocking down statues, etc. (this is what Putin is talking about when he mentions the Kiev regimes genocide towards those regions.)

This went on for months in 2014 and in 2015 after losing 15,000 lives the people prepared for the next attack and actually fought them back which led to the Minsk agreement. Part of that agreement was that Donetsk and Luhansk would be left alone and allowed to be their own independent regions.

Well, that didn't last long and soon the war continued on. The leaders of D+L asked Putin to help save them from the globalists and Putin has been feeding those two regions (D+L) while hoping things would improve.

So essentially what happened 2 days ago was Putin officially acknowledged D+L regions as independent Republics and the next day D+L officially asked him to help them fight off Kiev.

Putin has said that he doesn't want to harm citizens and all the rockets have been targeted at military bases. He has pleaded with the soldiers on Kiev’s side to not kill their brothers and if they lay their weapons down, they are free to go home, he is not interested in killing them. My Dad said there are lots of soldiers surrendering and going home from the Kiev’s side. I think Ukraine will be asking for help from other countries because many of their own soldiers are laying down their weapons.

So anyway, this is a quick summary, I hope it makes sense, feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to get the answers.”

I asked her if her father’s cousins were in the heat of the action right now, her response was: “They are in Donestk right now. They are VERY Happy Russia is standing up for them !

They tell horrific stories of how the Western side has been treating them the past 8 years.”

And one more comment: “My Dad was born in Donestk and my Mom is  Russian. My Dad has cousins in eastern Ukraine who he is in touch with, so this is the perspective of people from eastern Ukraine.”


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